2019 Freshman Military Training Result Show and Reward Ceremony Held in HUST

Translated by:Cao Fei Edited by:Liu Xiuming

At 9 o'clock on September 20th,the 2019 freshman military trainingresult show and reward ceremonywereheldonthe sports fieldinHUSTSouth Campus, which was attended byLi Heng,Director of NationalDefenseOffice of provincial-level committee publicity department, Zhao Ruliang, Director of Student Military Training Office of provincial-level military region, and Li Jianmin, Deputy Director of Physics-Hygiene-Art Department of provincial-level educational department. HUST leaders, who wereZhang Hongtao, Zhao Lin, Lu Yan, Wang Zhihao, Fang Wenbin, Guo Erjun, Yao Jun, Liu Xia and Yang Zhongxue,Deans from different schools andthe faculty of Marxism-Leninism Teaching and Research Department(MLTRD)were present attheceremony.Zhang Lishuang,Deanof MLTRD,worked asGeneralCommander ofthemarch-past. Theceremonywas hosted by Li Yanjun, Secretary of the Party Committee of MLTRD.

As theprocedurewent, the result show began withthe national flag raising ceremony. Then, each march-past paradewas given an inspection in front of the rostrum in turn.Besides inspections,shows likefistskills,knife skills, cudgelskills, special tactics andmilitary paradeswerealso given,in whichspecialtactics performed by2019 freshmen throughpainstakingtraining and the parade performanceattracted theaudiences’ attention andwere thought highly ofby the leaders and faculty due totheirnovel formsand vivid movements.

Yang Zhongxue,Minister ofStudentAffairsDepartment of HUST Party Committee and Director ofMilitaryTrainingPoliticalAffairs,declaredthe awarding list oftheexcellent militarycoaches, andWang Zhihao,DeputySecretary of HUST Party Committee,announced the awarding list of military training models,excellent instructors and military parades.After the announcements, these individuals and groups wereawardedby the leaders and guests.

Lu Yan,DeputySecretary of HUST Party Committee,delivered a speech, in which she pointed out that the students’greatperformancesoforderly processions, strict disciplines, high spirits,powerfulslogansand majestic momentumswere thereflectionsof patriotism,collectivism,strict disciplines, vigorous manners andstruggling willsby means ofthemilitary training. She added thatall ofthis fully illustratedHUSTers’ great overall qualities and mental outlooks. On behalf ofHUSTleaders, she expressed congratulations tothosewhohadgained achievements during military training, as well assincerethanks to all the militarycoachesand instructors.

Besides,Lu also stressedthatthe featuresof2019military trainingweregoodcooperation and smooth connections,greatpassionsand hard trainings, strict requirements and scientific strategies,richcontents and interactive teaching methods,mental educationsand updated ways of exams as well as well-established skills. She hoped that the students could cherishtheir gainsduringthemilitary training,andtransform theirstruggling spiritsto outstanding personalities, good living habits to behavior norms, strict disciplinesto good working styles,andmilitary skills to consolidated capabilities. She also hoped that studentsshouldcherishtheircollege life,work hard to acquire knowledge and skills,andcultivate themselves to become overall-developed talentswho,politically sound and professionally competent,would be burdened withresponsibilities totheconstructionandrealization ofChina Dream.She was quite sure thatstudentsof 2019couldturn themselves intogreatsoldiers whowere sincerelyloyalto theParty, thepeople,thenation andtheera, andcreate magnificent lives and bright futuresby way oftheir youth and wisdom.

Siteofthe 2019 freshman military training result show and reward ceremony

HUSTleaders and guestson the stage

President Zhao Lin announcingthe start of march-past

Lu Yandelivering a speech

Wang Zhihaoreadingthe awarding list of military training models, excellent instructors and military parades

Yang Zhongxue announcingthe awarding list of excellent military instructors

Zhang Lishuang workingas the general commander of march-past

Li Yanjunholdingtheshow and ceremony

Aparade of national flag guards

Army flag transformationceremony


Cudgelskill show

Knifeskill show

Special Tacticsshow


Individualsand groupsawarded

Agroup photo ofHUSTleaders, guests,officers,coaches,traininginstructors and students representatives

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