HUST Students Attend 2018 American Mathematics Contest in Modeling

By:Chen Dongyan, Song Xianhua

From:ScienceSchool, Party Committee Propaganda Department

Translated by:Yang Xin Edited by: Liu Xiuming

Time: 2018-02-10 16:32:16 Click:58

2018 American Mathematics Contest in Modeling opened on Feb. 9th, 2018, and 56 teams (168 students in total) from our university attended this contest. The contestants weresophomores, juniors and seniorsfrom 35 different Undergraduate majors in our university.

In order to get good scores, 10 teachers fromMathematics Department of Science School abandoned their holidays to give the contestants a focused training for 25 days from the very first day of the winter holiday. The training was made up of three phases, which were English reading and thesis writing, analysis of excellent papers and the training of contest simulation. The contestants got great improvements through the systematic training in the following aspects, such as the abilities in English reading and thesis writing, and competence in complex practical problem solutions. In the process of the training, great supports were offered by the related departments, which were Office of Academic Affairs, Logistics Management Office, Modern Education Technology Center, and Mingde Property Management Center.

The contest was done smoothly and successfully with the help of the tutors’ careful guidance and the above departments. Vice President Liu Shenghui, Dean of Science School Ji Donghai, Director of Academic Affairs School Song Qingkun and Deputy Director of Academic Affairs School Shi Lei greeted the tutors and the contestants on Feb. 10th. Questions in the contest covered the hot issues of communication, society, energy, transportation, environment and information safety. Contestants must finish an original thesis writing in 100 hours, which was a great challenge to the undergraduate students.

American Mathematics Contest in Modeling, the most influential Mathematics Contest in Modeling worldwide, is hosted byUnion Association ofAmerican Mathematics and Application. As a unique international contest, the 2018 American Mathematics Contest in Modeling lasted from Feb. 9thto Feb. 13th, the result of which will not be known until April 2018.

Vice President Liu Shenghui greeted the tutors and the contestants

Contest Site 1

Contest Site 2

Contest Site 3

Contest Site 4

Contest Site 5


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