From November 24thto 26th,2023,the5thInternational Conference on Video,Signal and Image Processing (VSIP 2023) was successfully held in Harbin. The conference was hosted by Harbin University of Science and Technology, and co-organized by Edge Hill University, Chubu University, Shandong University, and Heilongjiang Key Laboratory of Laser Spectroscopy Technology and Application.
On November 25th, Zhao Lin, Secretary of the Party Committee of HUST, delivered a welcome speech at the opening ceremony of the conference. Wu Haibin, theDean oftheSchool of Measurement–Control Technology and Communications Engineering, delivered an opening speech.And the research leader ofthe key laboratory direction, associateprofessor Wang Aili presidedover the conference.
Shao Yang, the Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchange, the leadership team oftheSchool of Measurement–Control Technology and Communications Engineering,andsomeinternationalscholarsattended the opening ceremonytogether. A total of 165 experts from home and abroad attended the conference through a combination of online and offline participation.Addressing cutting-edge topics in video target detection and tracking, hyperspectral remote sensing big data interpretation, and biomedical image processing,renowned international scholars discussed the current directions of scientific and technological innovation, as well as the latest research achievements in these fields. It provided a platform for experts in instrumentation science and electronic information to exchange research and explore cutting-edge issues. The conference received widespread attention and praise.

AWelcome Speech Delivered by Secretary Zhao Lin

An opening speechdeliveredbyDeanWu Haibin

Reportgiven by Deputy DeanSun Xiaoming

Associate Professor Wang AiliPresidingover theConference

The conference set up four venues, which conducted in-depth discussions on topicsincludingvideo object detection and tracking, remote sensing big data intelligent interpretation, medical image classification and recognition, and machine vision image model analysis. Professor Shan Caifeng from Nanjing University, Professor Robert Minasian from the University of Sydney (IEEE Life Fellow), and Professor Laurent Cohen from the University of Paris-Sud (IEEE Fellow) respectivelygave keynote reports on“Visual Computing in Healthcare”,“Progress in Integrated Silicon Photonics for Photonic Signal Processing”,“Geodesic Minimal Paths for Contour Extraction in Images”. Associate Professor Zhang Ruiheng from Beijing Institute of Technology and Associate Professor Gary Tam from Swansea University shared their latest research results with special reports.

The Sub-venue
During the symposium on promoting the comprehensive revitalization of the Northeast in the new era,held during his inspection in Heilongjiang,General Secretary Xi Jinpingemphasizedthat we should lead the comprehensive revitalization of industries with scientific and technological innovation and strive to create a new situation of high-quality development in Heilongjiang. As Secretary Zhao Lin pointed out inhisspeech, thisconferencenot only representedHUST’s intention toexpandinginternational cooperation and mutual learning of scientific and technological innovation along the“the Belt and Road”, but also representeditsrunning directiontoserve the national innovation-driven strategy and the revitalization and development ofHeilongjiang. Next,HUSTwill guide teachers and students to firmly establish the national science and technology ambition, leverage the advantages of science and education, take the initiativetostrengthen forward-looking, strategicand systematic scientific research layout, better serving the country's high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement, and making scientific and engineering contributions to the construction of a strong country and the revitalization ofHeilongjiang. (Photographs by: Xu Heyang, Xu Kaiyang)