From December 7thto 9th, the 2023 World ChineseLanguageConference was successfully held at China National Convention Center in Beijing. The conference was hosted by the Ministry of Educationof the People’s Republic ofChina, co-organizedby Center for Language Education and Cooperation, ChineseInternationalEducation Foundation, and The International Society for Chinese Language Teaching.VicePremier Ding Xuexiang, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, Minister Huai JinpengandVice MinisterChen Jieof the Ministry of Education, theDirector-General of the Center for Language Education and Cooperation at the Ministry of EducationMa Jianfei,President of ChineseInternational Education FoundationZhao Lingshan , andtheCouncilor of International Society for Chinese Language TeachingZhong Yinghuatogether attended the conference and delivered speeches.
With thetheme of“Chinese for the World, Openness into the Future”,the conference was attended by nearly 10000 participants from over 160 countries, including leaders of relevant China and foreign education authorities, educational institutions, international language and culture agencies and international organizations, university presidents, esteemed experts in Chinese language education, sinologists, diplomats, as well as industry representatives.The conference featured a main forum and panel forums, as well as agendas such as the“award and launch ceremony for new projects and achievements of the ChinesePlus Global Partnership”and“the World Chinese Language Exhibition”.
This conference also included the selection of digital teaching“gold”projects, which werecarried out by theWisdomEducation Branch of theISCLTand ChinesePlus. The selection activities chose 103“gold partner institutions”from more than 1100 colleges and institutions, and selected 32 gold courses and 50 gold-medal Chinese teachers from nearly 1000 Chinese courses. With excellent performance, HUSTstood out among many colleges and institutions, winningthe honorary title of“gold partner institution”,which was theonly university in Heilongjiang Provinceto achievethis title. At the same time, Teacher Zhang Mingming from the Department ofInternationalChinesein School ofForeign Languageswon the honorary title of“gold-medal teacher”.

The conference also featured language exhibitions, inviting 107 organizations including social organizations, technology companies, smart education platforms, publishing media, and higher(vocational) collegesrelated toThe InternationalSociety for Chinese Language Teaching(ISCLT).HUST attended theexhibitionsand showcasedourachievements in the“ChinesePlus”field. We also conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions with university representatives, experts, and Chinese teachers from all over the world, sharing our experiences and insightsandfurther promoting the global dissemination and development of Chinese andculture.

In this process,wenot only deepenedourcooperation with universities and cultural institutions worldwide, but also furtheredthe global dissemination and development of Chinese and culture. Simultaneously,theSchool of Foreign Languages has gained valuable experience and inspiration fromotheruniversities and cultural institutions, acquiringuseful references for futuregrowthandadvancement.

TheWorld ChineseLanguageConferenceis a criticalplatform forHUST's external communication,exhibition, and the advancement of global Chinese language and culture. Through a combination of‘introducing in’and‘going out’, the School of Foreign Languages will strengthen the two-way exchange of Chinese with languages of various countries. By welcoming young people from diverse countries to our university, we aim to immerse them in Chinese culture and encourage them to share their own cultural experiences, thus fostering mutual friendship and spiritual communication. We will promote mutual learning and appreciation of diverse civilizations, uphold openness and inclusivity, and emphasize innovation while staying true to our principles to foster the flourishing development of diverse civilizations worldwide.