In order to further study and implement the important speeches and instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection of Heilongjiang Province and atthemeeting on promoting the full revitalization of Northeast China in the new era,andto advance the high-quality development of instrument science and technologybypromotingthe comprehensive revitalization of industries in Heilongjiang Province through scientific and technological innovation, at the invitation ofHUST,Dr.Loon Ching TANG,Academician of the Academy of Engineering, Singapore andtheprofessor at the National University of Singapore, visitedour university for academic exchangesfrom December 12thto 13th, 2023. On the morning of December 12th, VicePresident Chen Qingguo met withDr.Loon Ching TANGin the reception room on the 17thfloor of the main building. Director Shao Yang of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchange,party and government leadersintheSchool of Measurement–Control Technology and Communications Engineering, andotherteachers accompanied the meeting.
Firstly,VicePresident Chen Qingguo, on behalf of HUST,warmly welcomed Dr.Loon Ching TANG. He then introduced the university’s development history, discipline construction, and international cooperation and exchanges.Hehoped that both sides can further promote cooperation in instrument science and technology, sensor and reliability engineering, submit international scientific and technological cooperation projects, and carry out joint graduate student training programs, promoting teacher-student exchange and personnel dispatching.

On the afternoon of December 13th,Dr.Loon Ching TANGdelivered a public reporttitled“ReliabilityEngineering: FromPractice toTheory”.More thanone hundred teachers and studentsin theSchool of Measurement–Control Technology and Communications Engineering andtheSchool of Electrical and Electronic Engineering attended the reportmeeting, which was chaired by Professor Sun Yongquan of Sensor and Reliability Engineering Research Institute.
Dr.Loon Ching TANG first reviewed some of the industrial projects related to reliability that he has been involved in over the past 30 years, focusing on the issues between accelerated testing and degradation modeling research and application. He also explained some of the current cutting-edge achievements in the field.Later,teachers and students on site had a full exchange and discussion withDr.Loon Ching TANGon the international frontier issues of the discipline. After the reportmeeting,Dr.Loon Ching TANGand his team visited the key laboratories ofSchool of Measurement–Control Technology and Communications Engineering, accompanied by Dean Wu Haibin and Professor Sun Yongquan,a leading figure in the discipline. Dr.Loon Ching praised the effectiveness of the curriculum construction, talent cultivation, and platform construction of the instrument science and technology program. He also provided valuable suggestions for the development of the discipline.
This international academic exchange is conducive to strengthening the ideological integrationacrossregions,disciplinesandfieldsamong our teachers and students, broadening and elevating their scientific research horizonsandstimulatingtheirscientific research creativity.It alsobuildsan international platform for cultivating and producing more high-level scientific research achievements, thereby further enhancing the international influence ofHUST’s disciplinary characteristics. At the same time, it has a positive effect on promoting the development and construction of the Instrument Science and Technology discipline and the Provincial Key Laboratory of Laser Spectroscopy Technology and Applications. In the next step,theSchool of Measurement–Control Technology and Communications Engineering will align with the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at themeetingon promoting thefullrevitalization of Northeast China in the new era, strive to embark on a new path of high-quality development for the school, continue to strengthen learning, exchangesand cooperation with foreign universities, optimize the construction of scientific research platforms,andboost the level of discipline and professional construction.Wewill alsoimprove the quality of talent cultivation, making contributions to the school’s“Double First-Class”construction. (Photographs by: Peng Qiwei, Xu Heyang)

Report byDr.Loon Ching