HUST’s Union ofthe School ofMaterialScienceandChemicalEngineeringisSelected as aModel Workers Family of the National Education, Science, Culture, Health, and Sports Systems
To commend theoutstanding, establish exemplars, inspire loyaltyto theParty ideals, and towholeheartedlyservethe employees, theChina Trade Union ofEducation,Science,Culture,Health, andSports have decided to select a group of model workers’ families from the national education, science, culture, health, and sports systems, with the aim offurther deepening the construction ofmodelhomes, and uniting and guiding the masses of workers to follow the Party and its guidance.On August 28th, the National Committee of theChina Trade Union ofEducation,Science,Culture,Health, andSports issued a document. The Union of the School of MaterialScienceandChemicalEngineering as a “Model Workers Family of the National Education, Science, Culture, Health, and Sports Systems.” A total of 181 units nationwide (including 6 in Heilongjiang Province) were chosen as model workers’ families within this systems.

In recent years, under the firm leadership of the school’s Party Committee and higher-leveltradeunion, the school union hasbeenfocusingon the central tasksandservingthe overall interests. It has consistently adhered to the guidance of Party building, creating a warm“home”with harmony. Centered on safeguarding and upholding the legitimate rights and interests of the faculty and staff, with the goal of enhancing the well-being of them, the union has prioritized improving the quality of faculty andenhancingtheunion’s sense of responsibility towards the faculty. This has made family-building activities a crucial force driving theuniversity’sdevelopment.The Union of the School ofMaterialScienceandChemicalEngineeringhas earnestly implemented the decisions and arrangements of theuniversity’sParty Committee and union work. It has consistentlystrivento comprehensivelypromotetheuniversity’sreform and development, showcased its“charm”in enhancing the well-being of teachers and students, and remained“dynamic”in strengthening its own construction. Through various measures, it has become a trusted, reliable, and indispensable confidant, family, and close supporter for the faculty and staff.