HUSTHosts andExcels in theFinals of the 2023 Heilongjiang Province CybersecuritySkillsCompetition
On September 15th, the final of 2023 Heilongjiang ProvinceCybersecurity SkillCompetitionwasheld at our university. Pang Hongfeng, Deputy Director of the Cyberspace Affairs Commission of Heilongjiang Provincial Committee, and Du Jun,vicepresident of our university, attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches. Also present at the ceremony were Sun Yanfeng,DepartmentDirector of Cyberspace Affairs Commission of Heilongjiang Provincial Committee; Wang Yueran, Director of Science, Technology, and Information Technology at the Education Department of Heilongjiang Province; Xia Nan, Deputy Commander of the Network Security Protection Brigade at the Provincial Public Security Department; Jiang Chunxiang,DepartmentDirector of Network Security Management at theHeilongjiangCommunicationsAdministration; and Sun Wei, Director of Network Security at the Heilongjiang Branch of the National Computer Network Emergency ResponseCoordination Center.Following an intense competition lasting seven hours, two teams from our university’s School of Computer Science and Technology achieved excellent results, securing second and third place respectively in the competition.
On behalf of the Cyberspace Affairs Commission of Heilongjiang Provincial Committee, Pang Hongfeng expressed gratitude to the organizing committee of the competition. Hesaidthat during the annual CybersecurityWeek, the Provincial Cyberspace AffairsCommissionholds Cybersecurity SkillCompetition as a specific measure to explore, identify, and cultivate cybersecurity talent.Such events aim to generate enthusiasm for learning and applying knowledge related tointernetsecurity, promote the concept of cybersecurity, disseminate knowledge aboutinternetsecurity, and enhance the overallsocialawareness and skills in cybersecurity protection.He encouraged and supported higher education institutions across the province to employ various methods to cultivate cybersecurity talents. This includes providing more and better opportunities for practice, employment, and entrepreneurship, thereby contributing to the discovery, retention, and nurturing of talentsfor building a province strong in cybersecurity.
In his speech,Du Junexpressedthanksfor the trust placed by the Provincial Cyberspace Affairs Commission and the Education Department of Heilongjiang Province in entrusting HarbinUniversity ofScience andTechnology to host the event. Heextended a warmwelcometothe leaders, experts, judges, and participating contestants.The20th CPCNational Congress highlighted the acceleration of constructing a strong digital China,embarkinga new journey in the country’sdevelopment ofcybersecurity and information technology.In this regard, Du Jununderscored the university’s profoundemphasis oncybersecurity, maintaining a dual focus on security and development, foundation and empowerment. The university has reinforced talent cultivation in the field of cybersecurity, providing essential human resources support for the construction of a strong digital China. Leveraging student academic competitions, the university adheres to the principle of“learning through competitions,”encouraging students’participation in technological activities to enhance practical skills and innovation.Duringthis year’s CybersecurityWeek, the university’s Party Committee coordinated various departments to conduct over ten activities,including cybersecurity knowledge exhibitions, short video contests, and cybersecurity knowledge quizzes. Through diverse forms of publicity events, the concept of“a secure cyberspace environment serves and relies on the people”has been internalized and externalized,raisingthe cybersecurity awareness and preventive skills of both faculty and students. This has fostered a robust atmosphere where everyone participates, safeguards, and shares the responsibility for cybersecurity.
The 2023Heilongjiang ProvinceCybersecurity SkillCompetition attracted a total of 62 student teams and 98 social teams from various levels of provincial government offices, enterprises, institutions, universities, and vocational colleges, comprising 480 participants. After the preliminary rounds, 20 teams from both the student and social categories, totaling 120 contestants, advanced to the finals. Two teams from our university’s School of Computer Science and Technology achieved second and third place, showcasing the solid theoretical foundation and strong ability of our students in analyzing and solving practical cybersecurity issues.
This competitionwas jointly organized by the Cyberspace Affairs Commission of Heilongjiang Provincial Committee, the Education Department of Heilongjiang Province, the Provincial Public Security Department, Heilongjiang Communications Administration, and the Heilongjiang Branch of the National Computer Network Emergency ResponseCoordination Center. Our university’s School of Computer Science and Technology and theInternetInformation Center provided assistance in organizing the event. Additionally, the university’s Logistics Management Department, Security Department, and other departments provided substantial support and coordination. (Photography: Xu Zhuang, Geng Hongjie)

The scene at the launching ceremony.

Deputy Director Pang Hongfeng from the Cyberspace Affairs Commission of Heilongjiang Provincial Committee delivered a speech.

Vice President Du Jun Gave a Speech

Sun Yanfeng, Department Director of Cyberspace Affairs Commission of Heilongjiang Provincial Committee, Hosts the Launching Ceremony

Xin Yi, Chief Referee and Senior Engineer at Harbin Institute of Technology, Announces Competition Regulations

Speech by the student team contestant

Speech by the socialteamcontestant

The competition venue

Our school’s two participating teams have been awarded second prize (2nd and 3rd place).