Pacific National UniversityDelegationVisits andSignsCooperationAgreement withHUST
On the morning of September 26th, President Liu Xia was invited to attend the 13th Presidents Forum for Universities in Northeast China and the Far East and Siberia Regions of Russia. During the signing ceremony, President Liu Xia and President Malfin of Pacific National University jointly signed the“Cooperation Agreement between Harbin University of Science and Technology and Pacific National University”along with the“Student Exchange Agreement between Harbin University of Science and Technology and Pacific National University.”
In the afternoon of September 27th, President Malfin and a delegation of five members were invited to visit the campus. President Liu Xia and Vice President Chen Qingguo received the guests at the second conference room of the Teaching Building. The delegation from Pacific National University included Vice President Sorokin, President’s Assistant Guliya Shuowa, Director of International Cooperation and Education Polva, and the Dean of the School of Economics and Management, Zubarev, who accompanied the visit. Representatives from the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, the Office of Science and Technology, and the School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, including relevant personnel, also attended the meeting.
On behalf of the university, PresidentLiu Xia initially extended a welcome to President Malfin and his delegation. Following this, he provided an overview of the university’s administration, academic specialties, and international cooperation initiatives. He also highlighted the progress made in collaboration with Russian universities in areas such as student exchanges, joint educational programs, research cooperation, and cultural exchanges.He emphasized the university’s active efforts in advancing pragmatic cooperation with Russia, aiming to deeply implement the important directives onChina-Russia educational cooperation as instructed by General Secretary Xi Jinping. Liu Xia expressed the hope for both universities to maintain closer ties, basing their cooperation on disciplines of strength to establish a stable direction for scientific research collaboration. He proposed joint applications for international scientific and technological cooperation projects. Additionally, he mentioned the active promotion of joint graduate training programs and scholarship projects for studying in China, intending to expand the scale of student exchanges andbringthe collaboration between the two institutions to new heights.
President Malfin expressed gratitude for our university’s invitation and agreed with the cooperative suggestions put forward by President Liu Xia. Subsequently, he introduced the fundamental aspects and strengths of Pacific National University. He highlighted that the signing of the cooperation agreement between the two universities is in response to the important directives emphasized during this year’s meeting between President Xi Jinping and President Putin regarding the enhancement of Sino-Russian cooperation in the field of science and education.Malfin expressed hope for future collaboration in similar disciplinary areas, proposing joint mentorship programs, English-taught courses, and research projects between the two universities. He emphasized the potential for collaboration in fundamental disciplines and applied research fields to further advance mutual cooperation.
Chen Qingguo responded to President Malfin’s remarks by presenting specific cooperation suggestions and directions. He extended an invitation to experts and students from Pacific National University to participate in the 3rdInternational Forum on Electrified Transportation and Energy Storagescheduled to be held at our university from October 18th to 20th. The aim was to facilitate in-depth exchanges among experts from both universities in relevant fields.
Following the meeting, the delegation visited the Collaborative Innovation CenterofGraphene Application Technology and relevant laboratories within the School of Material Science and Chemical Engineering. (Photography: Geng Hongjie)

President Liu Xia and President Malfin signed a cooperation agreement.

President Liu Xiapresided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

Pacific National University President Malfin delivered a speech.

Vice President Chen Qingguo delivered a speech.

Discussion Between Both Parties

Photo of Both Parties’Representatives

Delegation visited the Collaborative Innovation Center of Graphene Application Technology

Delegation visited relevant laboratories of College of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering