byWang Junming fromInternational Cooperation and Exchange School
Translated by Yang Xin; edited by Chen Fuming
Time: 2011-02-24 Click:2065
A delegation of Harbin University of Science and Technology, headed by Vice President Meng Dawei, visitedDelft University of Technology andLondon Metropolitan University from January 16th2011 to January 23rd2011.
During the visit ofDelft University of Technology, the delegation has heated discussion and consensus in cooperation and exchange with ProfessorImre Horvath, theminister of Industrial Design Engineering CADE. The delegation also visits the Engineering Design Laboratory, attends lectures and has discussions with Chinese students in that university.
During the visit inLondon Metropolitan University,Vice PresidentProfessorDinos Acroumanis meets with the delegation.The two parties have reviewed 8 year cooperation and friendship, discussed the proposals and ideas for further cooperation and agreement.
InLondon Metropolitan University, the sides have the following activities. The delegation has intense discussion with Professor K T V Grattanand ProfessorS.H.Khan, the leaders ofEngineering and Mathematical Sciences College,on the issues of cooperation between the two schools. Professor K T V Grattan said the university will provide a betterlearning environment for our students. And the teachers from our university are also welcomed to exchange studies in London Metropolitan University.
The delegation has another meet with some other professors inEngineering and Mathematical Sciences College, such asProfessor Jamshid Nouri, Professor Veselin Rakocevic, Professor Cristiana Dymiotis-Wellington, on the program ofpersonnel training.
The delegation gets the information from Professor Sun Tong and Professor Qingwei Ma onundergraduate education program and makes detailed teaching plans.
The delegation also listens to the report on the graduate training plan from Professor A Kyriacou, the associate dean responsible for the graduate students.
The delegation visits laboratories inEngineering and Mathematical Sciences College, including laboratories of Optical Fiber and sensors, vehicle design and manufacture, architectural design, vibration testing and electrical engineering.
The delegation has the detailed discussion with seven students from our university, getting the information about their learning and living condition. The students show that theycherish this opportunity to study abroad, and hope to finish their studies earlier and make contributions to the motherland.
Entourage staff includes Professor Wang Peidong, the vice president of Computer Science College, Professor Zhou Meilan, vice president of Electrical Engineering, Professor Fan jianying, vice president of Communication College, Professor Huang Jinjie, vice president of Automation, and Professor Wang Junming, vice president of Office of Academic Affairs. (Photos by Wang JunMing)
Professor Meng Dawei discussing with Professor Imre Horvath
A Visit to Industrial Design Laboratory,DelftUniversityof Technology
Discussion between Our Vice President Meng Dawei and Vice president Dinos Acroumanisin London
Group Photo with Vice President ofLondon Metropolitan University and Deans of Engineering College
Group Photo with Leaders ofEngineering CollegeinLondon Metropolitan University
A Discussion inLondon Metropolitan University
Listening to the Report from London Metropolitan University

Meeting with the Students from Our University
A Visit to the Laboratory inLondonMetropolitan University