byXi Zhaohui fromDept of International Cooperation and Exchanges
Translated by Pang Baokun; edited by Jiang Yufeng
On the invitation of four presidents of sister-universities, President Li Dayong and his delegation from HUST successfully paid a visit to Pittsburg State University, University of Illinois at Springfield, Silicon Valley University and Capilano College of Canada from October 25thto November 3rd.
During the visit to Pittsburg State University, the delegation was warmly welcomed by President Steve Scott; President Li also extended his gratitude to Steve for his delegation’s participation in the celebration of HUST’s 60thanniversary, the China-Foreign University Forum and the Educational Exhibition of Sister Universities. The two presidents reviewed 10 years’ cooperation, further explored existing problems and reached a final agreement on jointly running schools of two forms (students exchanging and credit recognizing). This was the first meeting between the two parties, which established a further cooperation foundation.
On the arrival of University of Illinois at Springfield, Ms. Karen (the Director of school board and ex-mayor of Springfield City), President Harry and President of HANSON hosted an evening reception at which Ms. Karen announced that October 29thof 2010 would be the International Friendship Day between HUST and University of Illinois at Springfield.
President Xiao Fengming of Silicon Valley University introduced their history, equipment and school-running features. President Li extended his heartfelt thanks to Xiao Fengming for attending the 60thAnniversary of HUST, the China-Foreign University Presidents Forum and the Educational Exhibition of Foreign Sister-Universities in person, and they discussed on the cooperation and communication of teachers and students.
On visit to Capilano College of Canada, two parties reviewed eight years’ cooperation and exchanged ideas on problems and forms of projects and reached a common view. The two presidents both expressed their desire for more cooperation and jointly running projects. Then the delegation visited the library and the foreign students’ center.
It is the first visit of President Li Dayong to the four sister universities during his tenure, signing two agreements on jointly running schools, promoting friendship and mutual trust, and establishing a foundation of further cooperation. (Photos by Xi Zhaohui)

President Li Dayong (HUST) and President Steve Scott (the University of Pittsburgh) sign the Joint-Educational Agreement.
The delegation takes the photo with the staff from the International Affairs Department of Pittsburgh University.

The delegation visits the Engineering Center Laboratory of Pittsburgh University.
The delegation takes the photo with the HUST Exchange Staff in Pittsburgh University.

Ex-mayor of Springfield, Director of UIS (University of Illinois Springfield), presents the Government Law.
President Li Dayong holds talks with President of UIS, Harry Berman.

The delegation takes the photo with the delegates from UIS.
The delegation takes the photo with the HUST staff working or studying in US.
President Li Dayong holds talks with President of Silicon University, Jerry Shiao.
President Li Dayong holds talks with President of Canadian Capilano University, Ms. Kris Bulcroft.

President Li Dayong holds talks with Vice President of Canadian Capilano University, Ms. Catherine Vertesi.