The 1st Meeting of the 6th China Electrotechnical Society, Engineering Dielectric Committee

The 13thNational Conference on Engineering Dielectrics (the 1stmeeting of the 6thChina Electrotechnical Society, Engineering Dielectric Committee) was held in Xi’an.

From School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, School of Material Science and Engineering and School of Applied Sciences, more than 20 teachers and students attended the conference and published 23 papers.

Professor Lei Qingquan from HUST delivered the invited lecture memorializing Mr. Liu Ziyu. Besides, Professor Wang Xuan delivered the invited lecture.

During the conference, committee members conducted a general election. Professor Li Shengtao from Xi’an Jiaotong University was elected as the chief committee member. Moreover, Professor Zhao Hong from HUST was elected as the deputy chief committee member. Professor Lei Qingquan, the previous chief committee member, was elected as honorary chief committee member for life.

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