On October 19, 2011, the second list ofExcellentEngineers Educational Training Plan Universitywas published by the Ministry of Education. Harbin University of Science and Technology becomes one of those 194, including 61 pilot universities approved previously, on the list.
Application toExcellentEngineers Educational Training Plan Universitybeing highly valued by the university party committee and leaders, Vice President, Meng Dawei himself was in charge of the whole organization and application work. After ten months’ thorough and elaborate preparation, an application was made to the Ministry of Education and Provincial Department of Education in April, 2011. In July, 2011, HUST was approved as a pilot university, with Software Engineering Program and Metal Material Engineering Program being approved as the first batch pilot programs.
Taking the approval as a great opportunity, HUST will keep on sticking to the talent training objectives of strengthening basic education and emphasizing the cultivation of engineering practicing abilities as well as innovation abilities in an effort to foster an increasing number of excellent engineers.