byQu Yige & Dong Han fromRongcheng school
Translated by Wei Xutao; edited by Zhen Yanhua
Time:2011-9-11 11:11:42 Click: 936
On September 9, in the solemn melody of national anthem, the opening ceremony for freshmen of 2011 was held in Rongcheng school. Professor Meng Dawei, vice president of HUST, attended the ceremony with the whole leading staff of Rongcheng school.
At the ceremony, Vice president Mengmade an important speech. He extended a warm welcome and sincere congratulation to all freshmen of Rongcheng school on behalf of HUST’s staff members, and wished them to work hard at acquiring knowledge and enhancing practical ability as well as to fix themselves in the principles and virtues so as to acquire achievements in their college career and start a new chapter of Rongcheng school after their graduation.
As the representatives of freshmen, campus-based students and teaching staff of Rongcheng school respectively, Song Yimin, Yu Wenwen and Tao Fuchun also delivered their speeches in turns at the ceremony.
It was on September 8 that Vice president Meng arrived at Rongcheng to attend the opening ceremony as well as making a thorough job inspection on the school. During the inspection, Meng expressed a good evaluation on the progress the school had made currently and proposed his own constructive ideas. (Photo by anonymous)

The scene of opening ceremony

Vice president Meng are delivering speech

Vice president Meng (the third from the left) are making job inspection in Rongchen school