In late September, HUST sent a 7-member deputation led by Vice President Zhao Hong to Taiwan to visit Chung Hua University (CHU), National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) and Hsinchu Science and Industrial Park one by one.
During the 3-stop visit, the deputation was met by Yung Jye Sha, CHU’s president, Chain Shu Hsu, NCTU’s vice president and Chong Ming Yan, the chief of Hsinchu Scienceand Industrialadministration respectively. All these hosts delivered a warm welcome to Vice President Zhaoandthe deputation andon each bilateral interview they arranged,the two sides talked happily with each other on the issues they were bothinterested in, such as their educational ideals, departmentsettings,running disciplines,developingexperiences and innovation achievements in teaching and scientific research, etc. They also discussed the possibilities of further cooperation instudents’ cultivation and reached a lot of agreements.
Besides, at each stop, some important installationswereshowed around to the deputation and a series of communications, workshops and observation were offered for sharing and passing on corresponding knowledge.
There are some 20 HUST undergraduates studying in CHU, and the deputation paid a special visit to them when they were there. Vice President Zhao conveyed greeting from their Alma Mater, introduced the latest developmenttaken place in HUST, inquired their information in great details and encouraged them to work hard.
The visit was supported by the fund from China’s MOE(Ministry of Education)Humanities and Social Science Research Foundation as a part of the project named as “Research and Practice of Customized Training Model for Innovative Scientists and Engineers”, a subtopic of “Engineering Science and Technology Talent Cultivation Research”, a special item of MOE.

The deputation andthe leaders of CHU

Vice President Zhao talking with CHU’s chairman

Vice President Zhao visiting HUST’s undergraduates studying in CHU

Meeting the professors from School of Architecture, CHU

The deputation andthe leaders of NCTU

The deputation andthe leaders of Hsinchu Science and Industrial Park