On Oct. 21st, delegates of Konyang University headed by President Hi Soo Kim visited HUST in response to the invitation of President Li Dayong. President Hi Soo Kim was accompanied by Ms. Kim Yeng Yi, Director of Konyang University, Professor Xin Su Yuen, Vice President of Konyang University, Professor Song Min Yeng, Dean of the Department of Chinese Language and Culture, and Professor Yi Hen Ger of International Education School.
President Li Dayong and Vice President Zhao Hong communicated with delegates of Konyang University. President Li Dayong extended his warm welcome towards guests and described in detail the history, specialty and the prospective target of HUST. Furthermore, he reemphasized his hope of further cooperation and complementary learning between two universities.
Vice President Zhao Hong presented cooperative experience with Korean universities, which has promoted regional economic and technological cooperation. Further cooperation has been discussed. He advocated practical cooperation between two universities based on similar cultural background and advantageous geographical factors under the principle of mutual benefit. Vice President Zhao Hong expressed his hope of extending cooperation fields. Ideas have been exchanged on cultivating students cooperatively.
President Hi Soo Kim extended his gratitude for the hospitality of President Li Dayong. The profile of Konyang University has been introduced, and the willingness of further cooperation and exchange has been expressed. Vice President Xin Su Yuen spoke highly of the grand scene and the organization of the 60th anniversary of HUST. She commented that she was moved by the spirit and strength of HUST, and she expected the strengthened cooperation between the two universities in various aspects.
After the conference, two parties signedAgreement on Jointly Cultivating Undergraduates (2+2) by HUST and Konyang University. The delegates headed by President Hi Soo Kim visited the Engineering Training Center, foreign students’ apartments and their classrooms and communicated with them. Meanwhile, they visited Korean Department of Foreign Languages School and had a talk with the student representatives of Korean department. Xi Zhaohui, Director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Office, and Mr. Jin Jiyong also attended the meeting.

President Li Dayong and Vice President Zhao Hong meeting with President Hi Soo Kim.

President Li Dayong delivering a speech

President Hi Soo Kim of Konyang University delivering a speech

Vice President Zhao Hong delivering a speech

Vice President Xin Su Yuen of Konyang University delivering a speech

Two parties signingAgreement on Jointly Cultivating Undergraduates (2+2) by
HUST and Konyang University

Exchanging the Agreement

Members of both sides