At the invitation of our university, Professor Alexey Sobolev of Moscow State University visited the university from April 11th to 13th. Vice President Chen Qingguomet with Professor Alexey Sobolev, accompanied by Professor Shen Zexiang from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and relevant leaders and teachers from the International Cooperation and Exchange Office and the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
Firstly, Chenwarmly welcomed Professor Alexey Sobolev and introduced our university’s distinctive educational features and advantages in various disciplines. He extended gratitude for the long-term support from Moscow State University and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the two sides have successfully organized two international academic forums in the past two years. Additionally, fruitful collaborative research has been conducted with our university’s honorary professor, Academician Sergey M. Aldoshin from the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the team led by Academician Valery V. Lunin from Moscow State University.Subsequently, they engaged in extensive and in-depth discussions. Chen expressed the hope that Professor Alexey Sobolev would contribute to our university’s efforts in strengthening the construction of high-level disciplines and the development of a“Double First-Class”university.They discussed important issues such as the planning, implementation and key aspects of talent cultivation.
Professor Alexey Sobolev expressed gratitude for the warm invitation and reception from ourschool, as well as the long-termsupport and assistance from Professor Shen Zexiang to Moscow State University and the Russian Academy of Sciences. He mentioned that with the support of Professor Shen, Moscow State University and the Russian Academy of Sciences are honored to have established in-depth cooperation with HarbinUniversity ofScience andTechnology. Since the signing of the cooperation memorandum in 2018, both teams have maintained close communication and collaboration. Significant collaborative research has been conducted in the fields of new materials, new energy, and energy storage technologies. Furthermore, Professor Sobolev expressed the hope to explore joint student training programs, to exchange researchers and graduate students, to enhance mutual understanding of the two countries’cultures and education systems, and to promote further collaboration between the two universities.
On the afternoon of April 13th, Professor Alexey Sobolev delivered a fascinating academic lecture to the teachers and students of the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.He provided a detailed introduction to the disciplinary specialties of Moscow State University, the recent research progress, and achievements of his research group. He engaged in in-depth discussions and exchanges with the teachers and students attending the meeting. Subsequently, Chen Minghua, vice president of the School of Electrical Engineering, accompanied Professor Alexey Sobolev to visit the laboratory of the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and had a detailed discussion with the school leaders on scientific research projectcollaborations, teachers and student exchangesand joint graduate student training programs.

Vice President Chen Qingguo held a meeting with Professor Alexey Sobolev, and took a group photo

Professor Alexey Sobolev of Moscow State University gave an academic report

Professor Shen Zexiang from School of Electrical Engineering presided over the report meeting

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